<RecipeBlock title="Dynamic Routing with [slug].tsx" description="Use your json formatted files to create pages with TinaCMS" codeblock={<> ```javascript import { client } from '../tina/__generated__/client' import { GetStaticProps, GetStaticPaths } from 'next' import { fileToUrl } from 'utils/urls' import { useTina } from 'tinacms/dist/react' import { BlocksPage } from 'components/blocks/BlocksPage' const fg = require('fast-glob') const Page = props => { const tinaData = useTina({ query: props.query, data: props.data, variables: props.vars, }) const data = tinaData.data.page return <BlocksPage data={data} recentPosts={tinaData.data.recentPosts} /> } export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async function ({ preview, previewData, ...ctx }) { const slug = ctx.params?.slug || 'home' const vars = { relativePath: slug + '.json' } const res = await client.queries.pageWithRecentPosts({ relativePath: slug + '.json' }) return { props: { query: res.query, data: res.data, vars, }, } } export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async function () { const pages = await fg(`./content/blocksPages/*.json`) const paths = pages.map(file => { const slug = fileToUrl(file, 'blocksPages') return { params: { slug } } }) return { paths: paths, fallback: false, } } export default Page ``` </>} instruction={[ { header: "Relevant Imports", itemDescription: "This introductory step is just importing a series of Tina related methods, like useTina and client. As well as relevant helper methods.", codeLineStart: 1, codeLineEnd: 5 }, { header: "Data Fetching", itemDescription: "Using the Next.js method for fetching data at build time. Specifically using the Tina generated `client.queries` function to grab the relevant gql query. Returning it in a format the useTina hook can read.", codeLineStart: 28, codeLineEnd: 37 }, { header: "Static Path Defining", itemDescription: "Grabs all the .json files and maps each corresponding slug (based on file name) to serve as the URL parameter of each page.", codeLineStart: 40, codeLineEnd: 44 }, { header: "Populate useTina Hook", itemDescription: "Our custom useTina hook is used to fetch and manage the TinaCMS data for live and contextual editing.", codeLineStart: 10, codeLineEnd: 15 }, { header: "Rendering <BlocksPage />", itemDescription: "Another component used to actually render the data based on the structure type that the data comes in from.", codeLineStart: 17, codeLineEnd: 18 } ]} /> ## Introduction Tina is an open-source, Git-backed headless content management system (CMS) that empowers both developers and content creators to collaborate seamlessly on a single platform. Tina enables developers to craft a custom visual editing experience perfectly tailored to their website or application while supporting a broad range of content types such as Markdown, MDX, and JSON. <Youtube embedSrc="https://www.youtube.com/embed/zRkeKSZjlyw" /> ## Advantages of Tina ### Git-based content management * Tina uses Git to provide a single source of truth for content and code, enhancing collaboration between developers and content editors. * Content changes are committed directly to your repository, ensuring version control and content history. ### Real-time visual editing * Create and edit content directly in the context of your website or application with Tina's real-time visual editor. * Customizable content blocks allow content editors to assemble pages and manage content intuitively, similar to using a site builder. * The changes made by the editors can be previewed in real-time before publishing, ensuring the quality of the content. ### Control over content * Tina's open-source model gives you complete control and ownership over your content. * Tina's (optional) self-hosted backend gives you piece of mind from vendor lock-in. ### Scalability * **Performance at Scale:** Tina is designed for large-scale projects. Whether your site has hundreds or tens of thousands of pages, Tina ensures optimal performance. * **Powerful Query Capabilities:** With Tina's unique data layer, your Markdown content becomes as flexible and queryable as if it were in a database.
Last Edited: November 1, 2024
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